7 Top Xiaomi E-Scooters Reviewed

In this top 7 Xiaomi e-scooter reviewed article, I hope to give you some intriguing info. on some of the different models. If you are familiar with other Xiaomi electronics you must be intrigued with their electric scooter models as well. The company launched into the electric scooter market with its first model the Xiaomi M365 in 2016. It turned out to be a roaring success, and since then they have been on a roll, launching model after model. The electrical scooters do not enjoy the same level of success though.

In this article, we will review 7 top Xiaomi electric scooters. You will learn about their features, strengths, downsides, and more.

The specifications of the seven electric scooter are in the table below.

1. Xiaomi Electric Scooter 3 Lite of 7 Top

Xiaomi E-Scooters Reviewed 

The Scooter 3 Lite is one of the leading models of the Xiaomi portfolio of electric scooters. The vehicle continues to display superior performance in comparison to its peers. In our tests, we found the scooter lite to reach a top speed of 15.5mph with a battery range of 12 miles. 

That is an impressive feat considering it is running on a 300w mortar. Moreover, this performance is attainable at inclines of nor than 14%, which is a huge improvement from its earlier versions. That aside, it is foldable in seconds and easily portable. Undeniably, Xiaomi Electric Scooter 3 Lite, is a model we can recommend to any serious scooter enthusiast.


  • Foldable compact design
  • Powerful 300w motor
  • Aluminum alloy material for durability


  • Small tires make riding uncomfortable

2. Xiaomi Electric Scooter 4 Pro

of 7 Top Xiaomi E-Scooters Reviewed

The Scooter 4 Pro is the epitome of the tremendous transformation of the Xiaomi Scooter series. Being the fourth generation, the Scooter 4 Pro is loaded with cutting features, making it one of the leading models.

Starting with its motor power, the engine has been ramped up to 700w spitting out speeds of up to 18.6mph. To power the massive motor power is a 474 Wh battery with a 31-mile range. 

Other innovative features include 10” tires and a superb EABS braking system. Considering its load of powerful features, even at the slightly premium price, this scooter is a steal.


  • Effective EABS braking system
  • Increased range
  • Smooth riding tires


  • It is pricey

3. Xiaomi MI Electric Scooter Essential of 7 Top

Xiaomi E-Scooters Reviewed

We continue our review of the top 7 Xiaomi e-scooters with the Xiaomi Essential which perfectly fits the bill of a modest affordable scooter. The electric scooter isn’t loaded with as many features as some of its sister models. But let not this dampen your spirit. It is still a worthy machine.

With low top speeds of 12mph, the Xiaomi Essential is a beginner-friendly scooter powered by a 5100mAh battery with a 12 miles range. The expected charging time is 5 hours. It is a fast charging time compared to a few other models taking up to 12 hours. 

Other cool features include cruise control, a phone app, pneumatic tires for smooth riding, and more. If you are on a budget but looking to buy a modest yet well-performing scooter, go for the Mi electric scooter essential. It will not let you down.


  • Best speeds for beginners
  • Safe and easy-to-use EABS brakes
  • Affordable


  • Short battery range

4. My Electric Xiaomi Scooter Pro 2 of 7 Top

Xiaomi E-Scooters Reviewed

Xiaomi has done a tremendous job on this model. The Scooter Pro 2 compares favorably with the other Xiaomi models in the market. 

For starters, it can reach 16mph powered by a 600w motor, on a 474w battery with a 28 miles range. Furthermore, you can opt between three-speed modes; pedestrian, sports, and standard. 

Additional features include a cool control panel that can be integrated with a MI home app for better controls and user experience.


  • Easy folding for portability
  • Affordable
  • Regenerative braking for optimum safety
  • Three-speed mode options


  • Hard to navigate due to small wheels

5. MI Electric Scooter 1S of 7 Top

Xiaomi E-Scooters Reviewed

The 1S is an iteration of the Xiaomi 365, meaning it packs a lot more features. So if you liked Xiaomi 365, get ready for a tantalizing ride with the Mi Electric 1S!

The beast boasts a 500w powerhouse that can whiz at a speed of 15.5m/h, thanks to a 275Wh/42 v battery. Keep in mind it will take you five hours to fully charge the battery for an 18.5-miles range.

If you are keen on controls, you are in luck. The 1S is equipped with a robust Bluetooth display for speeds and battery level updates. Moreover, folding and storage are a breeze as well. Considering the load of features, you should keep your eye on this model.


  • Cool dashboard for observing the metrics
  • Long-range battery
  • Easy foldability


  • Not fit for offroad riding

6. Xiaomi MI Electric Scooter 3 of 7 Top

Xiaomi E-Scooters Reviewed

The Mi electric scooter 3 has a marked performance improvement as it is derived from earlier Xiaomi electric scooter versions. 

For example, at 16 mph the scooter 3 is doing better than most of the sister models in this review. This speed is powered by a 275 battery, with 18 miles range pushing up a 600w mortar. That explains its ability to scale a 16% incline with ease!

As for comfort and safety, the electric scooter 3 is well-kitted. From reflectors on the side, proper lighting, and EABS front and rear brakes, it is raring to go for a safe ride. To add to that, the unit rides on comfortable shock-absorbing air-filled tires. The Scooter 3 is a ride-worthy addition to your scooter collection.


  • Stylish sleek design
  • Comfortable to ride
  • Good dashboard for monitoring the metrics


  • Tubes are prone to puncture

7. Xiaomi M365 of 7 Top

Xiaomi E-Scooters Reviewed

The M365 is Xiaomi’s first brand in the scooter market. The model may have some drawbacks but also some excellent features too. Mind you, the model has been discontinued in some parts of the world. But if you live in places like the UK you might be lucky to buy it but at a premium.

Notable features include its sturdy build for durability, although, at 27 pounds, it also makes it a bit bulky for an average rider. Additionally, the deck is spacious. Plus, a 99cm high handlebar makes controlling it easy peasy.

And at 15.0 mph, that is sufficient speed to maneuver through some urban congested areas and beat traffic.

Xiaomi M365 is a great acquisition if you are looking for a well-built rare vehicle with performance to match.


  • Heavy construction for durability
  • Reliable moderate speeds
  • Easy maneuverable control


  • Only available in a few markets

Final Thoughts

Xiaomi stormed into the electric scooter market with a high level of success. The company debuted with its Xiaomi 365 model, which gave it the impetus to keep producing. They have since released more improved high-performance models as we have found above. The models have proved their mettle in the market. That is why grabbing any of the above will get you the ride of your life!




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I'm Michael Cavallaro, and I'm the creator of this electric scooter website. Since my first lead battery powered electric scooter in 2007, I have been an electric scooter enthusiast who owns and rides nine different electric scooters. From cruising through the bustling streets of Midtown Manhattan to exploring off-road trails in Florida, I have experienced it all, and I can't wait to share it all with you.

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